Fat burn secret


            Fat burn secret 

                  get it from here 


My name is Yu Shaun, a qualified Medical Doctor from Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy.

Throughout my 6 years of medical studies, I was being stuck in ice cold winter at most part of the year (Winter can lasts for 6 months AVERAGE)

So, there aren’t much outdoor activities and thus I’ve invested incredible amount of time in the gym it was then I’ve found my core passion in Fitness!

It became part of my obsession and favourite past-time activity.

I love to watch my own body transform into the best shape ever and not only I’ve became strong physically, I’ve also realised how it impacted my mental strength as well…

I had also worked part-time as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach and gosh… Helping others grow to get into their best shape is one of the best feeling ever!

 To say the least, I’m not just another marketer trying to sell you fitness information pluck from ‘somewhere’… But a hard-core fitness enthusiast (Backed with medical & vast nutritional knowledge) who can offer you quality first-hand information regarding FITNESS!

So now I’m going to give you all my knowledge regarding fat burn so that you can short cut all the market research, gym research, getting ‘advice’ from fitness gurus and deliver VALUABLE content straight to your audiences right off the bat!


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