Getelan keto game Recipes
Getelan ket Gam Recopes
you can get it now here
What if I told you that you are just
one Keto Game away from
getting into the best shape of your life,
gaining confidence,
experiencing all-day energy,
and becoming the most physically fit you have ever been?
Stop struggling, start winning
We, keto players, are playing an easy keto game
to lose fat; we win at losing.
Why Should I Get It?
I get it; there are one million and one fad diets out there.
GETelan Keto Game is not another lose-weight-quick craze.
It is an implementable research-backed lifestyle that leads to effective and lasting weight loss.
Diets come and go; lifestyles last forever.
I promote weight loss that helps you win at life.
Skepticism would be understandable if I was not living proof.
Strength training and carb-loading were a normal way of life in my police force days.
As a detective, physical fitness could mean the difference between life and death. (Honestly, that truth applies to us all no matter our occupation.)
Being in great shape was the standard, but we all know life transition brings unexpected changes.
Our family happily expanded.
I wanted to spend more quality time with my wife and kids.
So, the time had to be made somewhere.
What do you think I chose to sacrifice?
You guessed it – workouts!
Decreased gym time led to an increased waistline.
That was the beginning of my decline.
Next came my wife’s irrecusable job offer with a mandatory relocation out of the country.
There went my position on the police force!
I transitioned from a physically demanding career to a desk job.
I was stationary, but the scale was moving… the wrong direction.
I tried to mask my decreasing confidence with smiles and forced happiness.
It was a tiring charade.
This wasn’t the real me; it definitely wasn’t the best me.
Wellness had to be prioritized if progress was ever going to be made.
I decided to make some changes.
After attempting to sift through the fad diet vs. non-fad diet debates regarding the ketogenic diet, I turned my attention to science-based literature to find out whether it is a safe and efficient diet or a crazy trap.
Findings concluded this to be a safe and sustainable way of eating that not only promotes weight loss but also aids in the fighting of certain diseases and boosts energy.
Sign me up, right?
Not so fast.
Another hurdle had to be crossed.
Cooking is NOT my thing.
The recipes I found were either complicated or boring.
A man can only eat bacon and eggs for so long!
On keto; off keto.
I shifted back and forth until frustration brought a solution:
create my OWN recipes!
I crafted meal options that were easy yet diverse.
Variety helped me to stay on track.
Now, I’m 81 pounds lighter and have tons of energy.
Meeting people is easier since my confidence has returned.
Life evolution didn’t stop there...
The results I experienced were way too life-changing to keep to myself!
I quit my job, enrolled in a nutrition education course, and began developing an easy to follow weight loss program that would enhance the lives of millions worldwide.
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